Respite Services

Respite Services

Our Approach

At Life Mental Health we offer both 1:1 and group respite options.

We pride ourselves in offering a respite service that is designed both to allow you the space to take a break, and enjoy yourself and at the same time.

Time and space to engage with your supports and acquire skills to allow you to increase your independence and engage in new activities within the safety of a supported environment. 

Time and Space

  • Engage with supports.

  • Acquire skills for increasing your independence.

  • Engage in new activities within the safety of a supported environment. 

Group Respite - Body and Mind Respite

Our Body and Mind Respite is a holistic approach to psychosocial recovery and recognises the importance of a safe and supported setting to help you engage in healthy routines and habits to help you on your journey to achieve your goals – whatever they may be. 

Individual (1:1) Respite

We can customise your personal repite with you, when we do this we work with you to understand your goals and needs behind your respite.

It is in your hands as to where this respite takes place and how you want this to look.

It can be an action packed respite in a city or coastal environment, or you can be tucked away in the hinterland and getting out in nature. 

Some Common Goals Behind Respite

  • Taking a break to build some coping skills.
  • Build independence through skill building and engaging in activities.
  • Support to attend events that are important to you and in align with your goals.
  • Support to build healthy routines – eg. eating, physical activity etc. 

Introducing Celestine Fedley

Hi, my name is Celestine Fedley.

As an experienced NDIS disability support worker of 4 years, I provide respite care from my rural country home in south east queensland.

I offer personalised day or 24 hour respite service to meet with NDIS individual goals focusing on positive life skills such as healthy eating and nutritional awareness, creativity, mindfulness, movement and positive mental health using DBT skills.

I also help my clients to identify their strengths and values, so they can set healthy boundaries, build positive relationships and practise self-advocacy in their everyday lives.

But most of all I’m passionate about helping my clients to gain greater self-awareness and trust in their intuition, so they are more able to regulate their emotions, set meaningful goals and manage stress.
